Worship Services

Worship occurs in and through all our ministries. But our Sunday morning service is a culmination of all ministries coming together to celebrate and praise God with a single voice. Our Worship service is filled with prayers, singing, fellowship, and hearing God’s Word through Scripture and a relevant message. We sing songs of praise to our Heavenly Father using different hymnals in congregational singing, choir specials, and solos. Each song sung or played by instruments remind us of God’s great love for us and how our lives have been changed by Jesus’s sacrificial death, resurrection, and promises. It is during these moments of the service that each person has different spiritual and emotional reactions. At times … the Holy Spirit helps someone remember who God is and what Jesus has done … and then you may hear an “amen” or a “hallelujah”. Other times a single hand lifted in remembrance and testimony to God’s great glory and mercy, while another person has a silent tear streaming down their cheek or small change in their breathing. Worship is wonderful! Worship is filled with so many different emotions! Worship should change our lives so that other lives can be changed by Jesus! You are invited to join us as we Worship the One True God!

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